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Sequencing Only Projects: Getting Started

Thank you for your interest in the NWGC!

Below is the step-by-step process for getting your already constructed libraries sequenced. Please review these steps carefully and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

1.) Request a Quote

Please request a quote here.

The NWGC will send you a quote based on your project specifications. Do not send any samples before reviewing the quote and returning the signed quote or purchase order to the NWGC.

2.) Sample Submission Information

Once a quote is received, the NWGC Sequencing Team will email a Sample Submission Form. Please fully fill out the form and return it to Please also send all the barcode information for your library(s).

**We use the information provided to load the sequencing instruments and generate FASTQs. Please make sure it is as accurate as possible.

5.) Data Delivery/Globus Access

Globus is a service provider that manages login credentials and coordinates transfers between organizations. Please visit the Data Delivery section for more information.

Once your run is complete, we will send you an email with a link to your specific Globus folder where the run file is located.

3.) Sending In Samples

Once we have all of the information for your run, we can set a specific date and time for your lab to drop off your sample(s) or schedule a delivery.

4.) QC Results

All samples will be run on the bioanalyzer and qubit. QC results will be emailed to the investigator prior to sequencing.

Supplemental Info:

  • Please only submit samples in 1.5mL – 2.0mL tubes with snap-caps or screw caps!
  • QC is included in the pricing and will be run in-house using the Qubit and Bioanalyzer for every submission. If you have any Bioanalyzer traces and/or MiSeq data available, please include with your sample submission.
  • Our QC data will be used to verify the molarity of your submission. The Bioanalyzer also examines possible adapter peaks, mean insert size, and overall sample quality. The Qubit gives concentration (ng/uL) and is taken in tandem with the BA insert size to yield molarity (nM). (ng/uL)*(1,000,000) / (insert size)*(660) = nM
  • Please include your sample barcode list with sample submission form prior to the sample run. For index orientation, please list the forward sequence and do not try to orient them based on instrument chemistry. We will do that when we create your FASTQ.
  • FASTQ is the standard data delivery type. If you require an alternative, please inquire before submitting as an additional charge may occur.
  • Once emailed that your data is ready on Globus, you will have 120 days to access it before it is deleted indefinitely.
  • Here are our minimum volume requirements, based off our minimum molarity of 5 nM:

Notes for 10X Libraries:

10X Genomics Sequencing - We offer two pipelines: CellRanger version 7.0.1 and CellRanger-ATAC version 1.2.0
For more information on 10X Genomics Sequencing, please visit their website.

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