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Submitting Samples

Below is the step-by-step process for getting your samples into our pipeline for genotyping. Please review these steps carefully and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

1.) Sample Requirements: Specific requirements vary by assay, but we ask for at least 20 ul of sample at a concentration of 50 ng/ul. (Generally require 1ug of DNA (per sample) of input).

2.) Email or a project manager (if already assigned) with details regarding your project. This should include:

  • Number of samples
  • Sample preparation methods (i.e. extraction methods, quantification assays, etc.)
  • Relevant Reporting or Financial Deadlines

3.) Quote received and reviewed. Once this information is discussed and reviewed, the project manager will send you a copy of the manifest and sample submission instructions. The sample submission document provides detailed descriptions of the following:

  • What information columns are required to fill out on the manifest
  • Shipping instructions
  • Overall project workflow
  • Information about our QC process and DNA submission parameters.

4.) Fill out the manifest with all the required information and submit it to the project manager. Once it is processed in our system the following actions will occur:

  • We will send out the corresponding barcoded plasticware for the samples to be plated. Samples should be plated exactly how they are laid out on the manifest (*in columns) (** If samples aren’t plated out properly this will delay the project)
  • Ship the barcoded plasticware containing your samples back to the NWGC on dry ice