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At the Northwest Genomics Center (NWGC), we perform NGS and genotyping. We utilize Illumina sequencing and genotyping platforms to provide high-quality sequencing and genotyping data. We accept projects ranging from a few samples to several thousand and have the knowledge and experience to customize projects to fit any investigator’s needs.

We have produced short-read sequence data for more than 260K samples—including 100K genomes, 48K RNA-Seq, 64K exomes + custom capture, 48K samples for other types of sequencing (e.g., snRNA-seq, Chip-Seq, amplicon sequencing, MIPS etc.), and we have processed more than 417K genotyping arrays and 50K DNA methylation profiles since the NWGC was established.  In addition to the short-read sequence data, we have processed over 550 long-read samples.  (Updated April 2024).

Since our founding in 2009, the Northwest Genomics Center has played a major role in the data generation and methods development in support of the following genomic resource projects:

AGTC – University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics

PGRN – Pharmacogenomics Global Research Network

SeattleSeq Annotation

TOPMed – Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine

NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project (ESP) Exome Variant Server

GREGoR Consortium – Genomics Research to Elucidate the Genetics of Rare Disease

Emerge Network  – Electronic Medical Records and Genomics


CSER – Clinical Sequencing Evidence-Generating Research

Seattle Flu Alliance

RS&G – UW NHLBI Resequencing and Genotyping Laboratory Center

All Of Us